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Postponment / Resumption of Studies

  1. Postponement of studies shall mean stopping studies for a semester or of a full academic year where the period will count into the student’s registration period. Postponement of studies shall only be considered, under special circumstances, as per regulations
  2. Subject to the approval of both Senate and TCU/NACTE, a student may apply to postpone examinations or studies to the DVC (Academic) through the respective Faculty Dean or Institute Director and respective Head of Department.
  3. No student shall be allowed to postpone studies except under special circumstances such as financial problems, poor health or social problems supported by satisfactory evidence where a formal postponement form is issued which shows the reason(s) for postponement in the opinion of the Senate, is strong enough to prevent one from pursuing studies effectively
  4. The period of postponement of studies shall not count against the period of candidature for the programme a student is registered for.
  5. The student who had postponed studies shall inform both Senate and TCU/NACTE through the DVC (Academic) about his/her resumption of studies through the respective Faculty Dean or Institute Director and respective Head of Department.
  6. Students may be allowed to be away from studies for a period of one year. However, upon the application student may be allowed to extend for another one year if they are to be resumed into the same programme and year of studies where they left off.

Freezing of Studies

  1. Freezing of studies shall mean stopping studies for a specified period of time where the period will not count into the student’s registration period.
  2. The maximum period for freezing shall be one year.
  3. Permission to resume studies must be sought from the DVC Academic.
  4. For postgraduate students, permission to resume studies must be sought from the DVC Academic using form ZU/PG. F15.

Termination of Studies

Students may be terminated or discontinued from studies on the following grounds: -

  1. Breach of University regulations (including examination and admission regulations)
  2. Breach of Immigration Regulations; and
  3. Abscondment from studies
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