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Dean of Students

Mr. Hassan Hamisi Saad

Msc. Network Communication - 2014 (HUST (China))

Bsc. Computer Engineering - 2005 (IIU in Uganda)

Email : deanofstudents@zanvarsity.ac.tz

Background Info

(Dean of Students)

The Students Affairs Department, headed by the Dean of Students, has been established with the aim of facilitating personal and social welfare aspects of the students, as well as extra curricula activities. Moreover, it facilitates the attainment of students' services in the area of students' residence, food, health care and counselling. It also handles students‚ disciplinary matters.


The activities that are organized by the Department of Students Affairs primarily aim at achieving the following objectives:

  • Preparing and training the University youth in order to contribute to the betterment of their society and humanity at large
  • Fostering moral behaviour and spiritual aspect of the students and developing integral and balanced personalities
  • Introducing and orienting students towards social participation and individual responsibilities, mutual respect and brotherly relation among students and with the University staff members
  • Cultivating students' talents and furthering their physical vigor and mental faculties.

Counselling Service

The Students Affairs Department conducts counselling services. It helps the students and guides them in solving their daily life problems (health, social, financial, academic and spiritual) which might otherwise hamper their academic progress, or preventing them from enjoying their lives generally.

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