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Library Rules and Regulations

This page provides a comprehensive guide to the University's policy relating to Library use. It is the responsibility of all users of Library facilities, whether members of staff, students or others, to become familiar with the contents of this important document.


All users are required to register their names at the information desk. The library shall provide two borrowing tickets and one library ID card to all registered users. All borrowers are required to present their Identity cards while visiting the library.

General Rules

  • Smoking is not permitted in the Library.
  • Consumption of food and drinks is not permitted in the Library.
  • No bags, umbrellas, parcels etc except files and books may be brought into the Library.
  • On leaving the Library, all users are required to produce for inspection all books and items taken out of the Library.
  • Silence must be observed strictly in the Library.
  • Mobile phone must be muted or switched off.
  • Users must be decently dressed and conduct themselves properly in the Library.
  • The Library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the premises if he/she is found to be violating any of the Library rules.
  • The Library will not accept responsibility for the loss or misplacement of personal belongings.

General Loan Rules

  • All Zanzibar University students and Staff can access and borrow Library materials.
  • No books or library materials may be brought out of the Library until the loan has been recorded.Unauthorized removal of library materials is regarded as a very serious offense.
  • Library materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date.
  • The normal loan period for books is only one week.
  • User can borrow only two books at a time.
  • Reference and special reserve materials are not to be checked out.
  • All borrowers must settle any overdue loans before they are permitted to borrow again.
  • Reference and special reserve materials are strictly not to be checked out.
  • Only loose sheets for the purpose of taking notes may be taken into reference room.
  • There shall be clearance of library materials at the end of each semester whereby books held by a borrower shall be returned to the library.


A fine can be imposed on anyone returning an overdue book. The rate will be 300 TZS per day in the first week and 500 TZS for each day of the second week and over.

Loss and Damage

Borrowers will be held responsible for materials out on loan. If the material is lost, an immediate report should be made to the Librarian to enable appropriate action to be taken. A borrower is allowed to either replace the book lost or damaged by purchasing it himself or requesting the Library to replace it.

General Computer Rules

  • Do not install or uninstall any program or service in any library computer. This is only a preserve of the Librarian.
  • If any device of the computer is not working, do not fix it kindly report at the issue desk or to the IT person in charge.
  • You are allowed to use the computer for a time allocated by the librarian.


The main purpose of these rules is to safeguard the common interest of all users and to enable the Library to carry out its functions as efficiently as possible. Failure to observe the rules can lead to disqualification.

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